VolunteerMatch is Merging with Idealist!

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Ananda Gaorii

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Environment
  • International


Holbækvej 56Vig, Odsherred 4560Denmark Denmark

Organization Information

Mission Statement

We are a spiritual and social service organization with a network of projects including yoga and meditation centers, schools, children's homes, disaster relief and local development. Our vision is to be a self-reliant community based on spiritual practice and universal love interacting harmoniously with nature and the world, giving and receiving service, knowledge and inspiration, with a mission to be a hub for learning and change integrating spirituality, sustainability, self-reliance, holistic health, community living and social justice for the benefit of our residents, guests and the world at large.


We are located near the small town of Vig in the Danish countryside an hours drive from Copenhagen (1 hour and 40 minutes by train). We have thirteen hectares of land some of which is farmed by our neighbors (organic and biodynamic) and some of which we cultivate ourselves. We have a small orchard and three polytunnels and we are learning about permaculture and trying to apply its principles.

Our community consists of three Sannyasis (yoga monks) and usually between 10 to 20 short and long term volunteers. During retreats and seminars our population increases to anywhere from 30 to 200.

Our main focus is to offer experiential learning in the fields of spirituality, community, self-reliance and sustainability. We have a daily routine of yoga, chanting and meditation and weekly activities such as yoga teacher training, classes on yoga philosophy, community sharing and cultural evenings. We meet every morning for some sharing and planning the work for the day. Our main jobs at the moment are developing the garden, building renovation and hosting retreats and seminars. Cooking, cleaning and maintaining a large house also take up time.

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