Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Education & Literacy
- Faith-Based
- People with Disabilities
5900 N 5th StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19120 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Sophia Academy awakens genius in urban high school students with language-based learning differences and/or developmental differences through an affordable and effective multi-sensory, hands-on education with targeted interventions. We are passionately committed to celebrating the image of God in every student while calling out their strengths, leading them to success in college or career.
Sophia Academy began as a pilot program under the auspices of a local Christian school in 2016 and became independent in 2019. As we have grown, we have added the arts (art, music, drama, artisan crafts), occupational therapy, SEL and the services of a clinical psychologist and counselor. We believe that teaching differently yields different outcomes and thus focus on creativity, experimentation, and discovery along with a play-based model. Teachers are trained in trauma informed instruction as well as Trust-Based Relational Intervention, research-driven literacy instruction, and are experts in their fields. Seniors successfully complete dual-enrollment courses at Esperanza College and graduates apply to both college and trade schools for future education.