VolunteerMatch is Merging with Idealist!

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Cause Area

  • Community
  • Employment
  • Environment


112 HARVARD AVE 344CLAREMONT, CA 91711 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our vision is American communities with access to reliable, affordable renewable energy, living-wage career pathways and vibrant economies. Our mission's four pillars are: reduce global warming; create living wage jobs; stimulate local economies; and promote equity and justice. We accomplish our mission by helping to launch dozens of solar microfactories, run by nonprofits in America’s disinvested communities. Each one: produces 100,000 solar modules and reduces 27,000 tons of CO2 annually; creates 70 training and job opportunities for people with workforce barriers; drives economic development in the local community; and reduces low-income families’ energy bills via microfactory sponsored community solar projects.


CHERP, Inc. is a startup, and has created CHERP Solar Works, the first nonprofit solar module factory in the world, in Pomona California. It is also developing a network of nonprofit, solar microfactories in economically disadvantaged cities across LA County and the country.

The city of Pomona and CHERP Solar Works are partnering to use renewable energy as a tool for creating hyper-local, sustainable, economic expansion. Together, they will produce the world’s most advanced solar module while also serving as a workforce development engine that creates dozens of direct jobs and catalyzes hundreds of indirect ones.

CHERP Solar Works is also partnering with local solar installers to build solar systems for Pomona’s municipal, school district, commercial and residential buildings. It will then reinvest the earned profits in community solar projects, in conjunction with the local CCA, to provide free energy for the lowest income families. This provides an additional, substantial boost to the local economy as those families spend their energy savings in the local economy instead of sending them out of the city to the utilities.

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