VolunteerMatch is Merging with Idealist!

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Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Computers & Technology
  • Education & Literacy
  • Health & Medicine


111 W 10TH STREETKANSAS CITY, MO 64105 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

KC Digital Drive is a 501c3 non-profit organization whose mission is to make Kansas City a digital leader and to improve the quality of life for all people in the region. Decrease socioeconomic differences in the utilization of new technologies. Lead the development of technology solutions for vexing public problems. Increase adoption of emerging technology


We focus on technology infrastructure - the foundation of hardware, tools, and software needed to function in the digital world; data - machine-readable information about the infrastructure, environment, and the people that use it; meaningful use cases - how the tech and the data are used to make the world a better place (often trials, pilots, or test cases); new businesses, products and services - how to make these uses sustainable and widespread, with economic development benefits to boot; equity and inclusion - the intentional process, thoughtfulness, vision, and leadership to ensure new tech is people-focused and sensitive to our most vulnerable; and tech literacy - the sufficient education from regular citizens to civic leaders to support workforce needs, democratic governance, and good decision-making.

In pursuit of these goals, we have developed a diverse portfolio of programs under our three strategic pillars: 1) Solutions Lab, 2) Community Building, and 3) Project Delivery.


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