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Broward Trust for Historic Preservation, Inc. EIN 650596154

Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Board Development
  • Community
  • Disaster Relief
  • Environment


13 Bunting DriveKey Largo, FL 33037 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

OUR MISSION: To preserve, restore, and enhance the historic character of Broward County and support education and research regarding historic preservation. We advocate the historic designation of significant buildings and districts throughout the county and work for that status on a local and, where appropriate, national level. To increase the involvement of residents and visitors in preserving Broward County’s legacies. Support other historic preservation communities in their endeavors. OUR VISION: A county that believes in preserving its historic resources and sites for economic growth and quality of life.


The original Sailboat Bend Trust founded "our member supported organization". On May 26, 1995, we filed for a domestic non-profit Corporation with the State of Florida. Subsequently, Broward Trust for Historic Preservation was formed. Since its inception, our focus has been to keep track of historic buildings, districts, neighborhoods, and heritage. We identify these historic resources through research, education, advocacy, designations, and homeowners’ requests. In 2022, the Trust established itself as "a non-profit that advocates" for other local historical organizations. Our goal is to support these local organizations through collaboration and communication.


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