Northern Hilltowns Consortium of COAs
Cause Area
- Community
- Computers & Technology
- Education & Literacy
- Seniors
400 Main RdChesterfield, MA 01012 United StatesWebsite:
http://northernhilltownscoas.orgOrganization Information
Mission Statement
The Digital Literacy program of the Northern Hilltowns Consortium of Councils on Aging provides technical support, digital training, equipment and broadband service to adults age 60 and over. The program serves the seven northern hilltowns of western Hampshire County. The program's mission is to increase digital literacy and digital equity among older adults in this rural area.
The Northern Hilltowns Consortium of Councils on Aging has existed since the late 1990’s. COAs from the towns of Chesterfield, Cummington, Goshen, Plainfield, Westhampton, Williamsburg and Worthington meet monthly to network, strengthen programs, share resources across their networks and work jointly to secure funding. For the past several years Consortium member COAs have participated in AARP’s Age Friendly Network and are part of Older Adult DIgital Equity Network. Most recently, the Consortium incorporated an emphasis on closing the digital divide and issues of digital equity for older adults.