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Cause Area

  • Community
  • Hunger


5081 ANDRUS AVENORTH OLMSTED, OH 44070 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Caring Sensei exists to help make sure all in our communities have the proper nourishing foods they need on a daily basis, both through direct to the people channels and in partnership with other existing entities with similar missions.


Caring Sensei's "Core Values" equal "CARE". C=Community: Caring sensei is giving back and helping people within their communities. A=Aspire: With our fervent hope, we aspire to reach our lofty goal of knocking out world hunger. R=Respect: We honor people by exhibiting care, concern and consideration for their needs. E=Empowerment: We believe in and help empower people's personal strength that allows them to take control of their own lives.

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