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Cause Area

  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Disaster Relief
  • Sports & Recreation


3730 LADD STDALLAS, TX 75212 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The National Latino Law Enforcement Organization (NLLEO) was established in 1991 to provide membership representation to the fullest and is quickly becoming the fastest growing Latino law enforcement organization with members ranging from local, state and federal law enforcement agencies across the country. The NLLEO was created to provide members with promotional training, leadership training, mentor-ship, legal counsel for scope of duty incidents, and much more. The NLLEO is committed to provide an all inclusive professional organization with transparency and immediate communication. ​The Blue Guardian Foundation was founded as part of The NLLEO and its Greater Dallas Chapter to provide financial assistance to law enforcement officers and their families across the country who have faced the loss of life or income due to a serious injury, life-threatening illness or other catastrophic event.


Here at the Blue Guardian Foundation, we know that sometimes all it takes to change someone's world is knowing you are supported. The Blue Guardian Foundation was founded as part of The NLLEO and its Greater Dallas Chapter to provide financial assistance to law enforcement officers and their families across the country who have faced the loss of life or income due to a serious injury, life-threatening illness or other catastrophic event.


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