Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Homeless & Housing
- Women
PO BOX 2617WILMINGTON, DE 19805 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
To provide safe, secure housing and specialized programs for those experiencing homelessness.
STEHM began in 1986. Initially STEHM provided motel vouchers for those seeking shelter. STEHM then provided transitional shelter over a longer period and purchased two homes next to each other in downtown Wilmington. Today STEHM provides motel vouchers on a limited basis and focuses on transitional shelter at the homes.
Our Case Management Program provides a safe, supportive home-like setting for homeless women and children at our transitional shelters. The average stay for the residents is nine months. They focus on improving themselves and supporting their families. Residents shop and cook for their families and share in cleaning duties with other residents. STEHM provides life-skills workshops throughout their stay. A Certified Financial Coach meets with them monthly to help them prepare and maintain a budget, reduce debt, increase their credit scores and set up a savings plan. The Case Manager meets with them throughout the month to keep them on target. Residents are required to put aside 30% of their paycheck every pay period which is placed in a savings account providing them with savings for their new home when they graduate from our program. Our Case Manager also teaches residents how to locate all the state and local resources they need and are entitled to in order to support themselves.
Typically, 80% of our residents who graduate from our program remain in independent housing after the first year. We accomplish this with 5 part-time staff and a volunteer board. On average, 90% of our annual expenses go directly to program services.