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Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • Women


8508 FALLING WATER DRSOUTH LYON, MI 48178 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

As a registered non-profit, our primary mission is to relieve the financial burden for young adults with Lymphoma undergoing chemotherapy in Michigan that wish to utilize cold cap therapy to save their hair. ​ What is Cold Cap Therapy?: While cold caps and scalp cooling systems differ from manufacturer to manufacturer, all work by narrowing the blood vessels beneath the skin of the scalp which reduces the amount of chemotherapy medicine that reaches the hair follicles. With less chemotherapy medicine in the follicles, the hair is less likely to fall out.


Carefree Capping is a 501(3)(c) nonprofit based in SE Michigan whose mission is to subsidize cold cap therapy for Hodgkin's lymphoma patients in the state of Michigan. We also engage with the medical community to promote cold cap education, and reduce barriers for individuals with Hodgkin's lymphoma who wish to utilize cold cap therapy. Carefree Capping has grown to a team of 12 volunteers, and we are looking to add another valuable team member!

Our director, Rachel, founded Carefree Capping following completing treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2022. Rachel used cold cap therapy, a newer technology that saved 95% of her hair during and following completing chemotherapy. Cold cap therapy completely changed Rachel's experience of having cancer so young, so Rachel and her mom decided to open a nonprofit to help others diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma have access to this innovative technology.


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