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University of San Francisco School of Law

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Faith-Based
  • Justice & Legal


2199 Fulton St.San Francisco, CA 94117 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The law school pursues excellence in a humane, diverse, and intellectually vibrant learning community of outstanding teachers and scholars dedicated to training ethical professionals. Consistent with the Jesuit tradition, the law school contributes to society by inspiring the pursuit of justice and serving the many communities--from the academic to the professional and the local to the global--of which it is a part.


Throughout its history, the USF School of Law has prepared students for law careers in a community which boasts one of the finest legal traditions in America. Graduates have distinguished themselves in private practice and as attorneys in city, county, state and federal offices. Many of our alums have become members of both the state and federal judiciaries, including justices of the California Supreme Court, as well as prominent members of local, state, and federal legislative bodies.

We have done this by blending tradition and innovation: our tradition of excellence in educating students to be skilled and effective lawyers who leave law school ready to practice law along with innovative programming that reflects the vast changes taking place in all aspects of society and the law.

At the same time, we recognize our responsibility to train ethical lawyers who will help to make the world a better place, and we sustain an intense commitment to social justice and a belief that in this rapidly changing world we must redouble efforts to provide access to justice for those who remain marginalized in our country and around the world.


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