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COAD - RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program)

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Emergency & Safety
  • Hunger
  • Seniors


296 Park Avenue WestMansfield, OH 44906 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development (COAD) is a 51-year-old nonprofit organization that provides direct services for Ohio’s Appalachian counties in early childcare and education, AmeriCorps Seniors, home weatherization and energy efficiency, Pathways Community Hub Institute for healthcare coordination, the Stivison Appalachian Community Action Scholarship, and serves the state of Ohio and beyond in its accredited Weatherization Training Center.


RSVP in Ashland, Coshocton, Holmes, Knox and Richland counties of Ohio is a program specifically designed for seniors over the age of 55. With this program, there is a huge variety of volunteer positions available for you. You choose the hours you want to volunteer, where you will serve and the type of work you will do. In doing so you will join over 500,000 seniors across the United States that currently volunteer with RSVP.


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