Cause Area
- Community
- Health & Medicine
- Hunger
- People with Disabilities
- Seniors
1500 2ND AVECOLUMBUS, GA 31901 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
The mission of Direct Services is to promote the mental, spiritual and physical welfare of senior and disabled individuals through a comprehensive system of services that aid them in the activities of daily living. Our core belief is that our clients are much better off when they can remain in their homes and communities for as long as practical. We are committed to senior and disabled citizens living safe, healthy, independent and long lives in the place they call home.
We are the Meals on Wheels provider for the Chattahoocee Valley. We are always looking for people to help deliver meals or volunteer in our kitchen for prep.
We also run 6 Senior Centers. They are located in Muscogee, Harris, Talbot, Randolph, Stewart and Clay Counties. Our seniors love to have special guests. So if you would like to spend some time with them or if you have a special talent or skill, please come share!