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SANDS House Inc

Cause Area

  • Employment
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Justice & Legal
  • LGBTQ+
  • People with Disabilities


365 Bridge Street16 proBrooklyn, NY 11201 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

SANDS House LLC. SANDS House not-for profit corporation whose sole purpose is to provide access to services, resources, and tools to individuals who identify as a part of these groups: men who have sex with men who is chemically addicted toMethamphetamine and who risk of having Involvements with The Criminal Justices System and who is part of these community of Flatbush, East Flatbush, Brownsville, East New York. We provide individuals from those communities with specialized services that address the 8 dimensions of one life which are Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Environment, Financial, Social, and Vocational. Some of the services are free and other services that are low-cost. We will deliver services in a Safe Space, Non-Judgement, Affirming, Innovative, Practical, Spiritual, and


We started in 2012 with the sole purpose of making change to the criminal justices system for LGBTQ people . We started by offer reentry service ,we trained juges ,ADA in Brooklyn,Manhattan ,we train correction officer. At that time NYc not ready for the change but we made it come about by educating ,collaborating and supporting key players in the community. Because of the work we have done we have great relationship with the kings county court and DA office we help to create court diversion program. Out of the work we have done LGBTQ task force was created. we have epidemic going on in our community the ''partybois'' community. I was task to bury 16 of these individual who didn’t have family nor life insurance to Burt them . This community has been neglected and marginalize by the other . These individual is dying and getting locked up at high rate . They have the highest percentage in homeless, lack of proper medical care and mental health issues . We at sands house came up with this model that we believe that would transform the clients we working with lives.WE WORK TO CHANGE THE NEGATIVE PARADIGMS THEY OFTEN HELD AS BELIEVED TO BE TRUE ABOUT OURSELVES THEN WE GOING ON TO PROVIDE SERVICES THAT COLLABRTIVE, AFFIRMING, NON-JUDGEMNT .


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