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Operation Jump Start

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth


3515 Linden AveLong Beach, CA 90804 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our mission is to help under-resourced, first-generation college students get in, stay in, and graduate from college. We do this by providing academic support, mentoring, and exposure to a broader world.


OJS's mentorship program serves our 8th-10th grade LBUSD students. Volunteer mentors from the community are paired with a student and commit to building a 1-on-1 relationship with that student for a formal commitment of 1-3 years -- although many of our mentor/mentees forge truly meaningful bonds, maintaining their relationship long after the official OJS program ends! Volunteers must be 24 years of age or older, must be able to provide transportation in their own vehicle, and must have a college degree.


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