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Highlands Park Senior Center - Senior Citizens Organization of the San Lorenzo Valley

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Seniors


8500 CA Highway 9Ben Lomond, CA 95005 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Highlands Park Senior Center hosts recreational, educational, and social services opportunities for the good of the community.


We are working to re-open the Senior Center at Highlands Park. We therefore have several roles that volunteers could fill. Most of the work is clerical -

Organizing the back room in preparation for the Fund our Floor sale

Scanning and organizing our files on the computer

Confirming our member list and dues paid to date - creating a membership report that we can use

Organizing a proposed class and activity list, with leaders contact information

Website assistance (gathering what information we want to display

Organizing our Square system so that we can take memberships directly

Contacting other organizations to obtain current information for our bulletin boards


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