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Seacoast Hospice Care

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Health & Medicine
  • Seniors


8380 Miramar Mall Suite 109Miramar, CA 92121 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To provide compassionate care and affirm the cycle of living by enhancing the quality for those at the end of life. Our focus is to provide comfort-related treatment, including symptom control as well as physical, emotional, social, and spiritual support to patients and their loved ones, while assisting them to live with dignity and comfort as they cope with end of life issues. Sea Coast Hospice vision is to become one of the leading hospice’s care agencies in California, recognized by its citizens for our commitment to quality and dedication to service.


Our team consists of trained hospice professionals who put individual patient and family's needs first, including:
- Skilled Nurses, both RNs and LVNs coordinate the plan of care with the family.
- Social Workers support emotionally and help with transition issues and planning.
- Hospice Physicians are experts at pain management
- Certified Home Health Aides help with personal care.
Services provided include:
- Spiritual Care Counselors provide personalized support for patients and their support system.
- Routine home care at the patients home or long term care settings,
- Continuous care due to a patient developing symptomatic needs for more constant care
- General Impatient Care for patients in a skilled nursing facility or hospital to manage symptoms of discomfort if not controlled at home.
- Respite Care consisting of a 5-day "respite" for the patients primary caregiver by admitting the home care patients to a skilled nursing facility and then moving them back home after respite is complete.
In addition, Sea Coast Hospice comprehensive package of services include 24/7 deliveries for medication, equipment and supplies.
-Available 24/7/365, facilitating assistance anytime that is necessary to respond to crisis related to the illness.
-Bereavement support helps families to get through the experience of loss and bereavement.


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