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Central Vermont Home Health and Hospice

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • Veterans & Military Families


800 Granger RoadBarre, VT 05641 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

We are a full service, not-for-profit Visiting Nurse Association committed to providing high quality, medically-necessary home health and hospice care to all Central Vermonters, regardless of their ability to pay. In addition, we promote the general welfare of the citizens of Central Vermont with health promotion, maternal-child health, and long term care services.


Central Vermont Home Health and Hospice (CVHHH) is a full service, not-for-profit Visiting Nurse Association committed to providing high quality, medically-necessary home health and hospice care to all central Vermonters, regardless of a person’s ability to pay. In addition, we promote the general welfare of all central Vermonters with health promotion, long term care, and maternal-and-child health services.


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