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We Plant it Forward

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Environment


2300 HALES RDRaleigh, NC 27608 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

We preserve and restore the natural environment for the benefit of future generations through hands-on activities, community engagement, and environmental education bringing harmony to all life.


We Plant it Forward (WPiF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization offering tree plantings, tree giveaways, nature connected education, rain barrel workshops, and a native tree seed collection by engaging the Triangle, NC community volunteers and building relationships with community partners. We hold an annual Arbor Day Festival in Raleigh, NC. The long-range goal of WPiF is to be a comprehensive environmental organization also addressing issues on alternative energy, water rights and quality, and air rights and quality. We seek to listen to communities to understand their environmental needs and see people learning from the natural environment everyday. Ultimately, we want to help people build a way of life where we are happy, healthy, and nurturing a thriving natural environment.


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