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Mental Health Connect

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Faith-Based
  • Health & Medicine


4100 LYNDALE AVE SMINNEAPOLIS, MN 55409 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Mental Health Connect provides community-based resources, support and education to improve access to mental health services and to connect individuals and families with the services they need.


The mental health connect collaborative began with the help of a single donation and the directive to apply the funds to address local mental health needs. In 2016 the collaborative was formally established with a membership of five congregations committed to addressing mental illness in the community. Over the past five years, MHC has grown and today includes over 30 faith communities, multiple local community outreach locations, and over 40 referral community partners. MHC had expanded the initial investment and vision, providing information and education about mental wellness, health, and illness, while providing clinical and community-based support that decreases barriers to mental health services. Client resources, support and education are provided through a navigation model operating within an interfaith and community collaborative.


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