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Veterans of Hope

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Faith-Based
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Veterans & Military Families


1150 Eucalyptus DriveEl Cajon, CA 92020 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The primary mission of Veterans of Hope is to provide holistic mental health education and humanitarian aid to those in need be they domestic or international. By pairing the skills and experiences of military veterans with mental health professionals and trained volunteers, Veterans of Hope aims to provide the best education and impact possible. With the services provided, Veterans of Hope seeks to provide veterans with invaluable tools necessary to improve mental health after transitioning from the military. Veterans served to regain identity through recognizing the impact one individual can make, community through working with others to serve others, and purpose from providing humanitarian aid. Veterans of Hope also offers veterans the opportunity to teach the tools they gain to others, thus improving their surrounding communities.


Our goal is to serve the underserved. People all over the world are suffering outwardly and internally and often in silence. Whether it’s clean water technology that’s needed or Mindfulness-based meditation practices to reduce PTS or something in between Veterans of Hope is able to help. By focusing on underserved and economically challenged communities as well as first world countries, Veterans of Hope seeks to make the largest impact possible. By providing health education and disaster relief work free of cost VH aims to help communities across the globe to heal, recover, and rebuild sooner than expected. Too often these Cries fall on deaf ears, Veterans of Hope answers the call.


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