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Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Disaster Relief
  • Education & Literacy
  • Faith-Based


1070 REID HOOKER NEADS, TN 38028 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Teach the word of God to young people, adults, and children. Provide to families living in communities with extreme poverty, a lack of food and a high malnutrition rate, providing hope through the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Hope for the Nations is a non-profit organization 501-3c, and our work is concentrated in Venezuela.

Hope for the Nations helps communities to become sustainable, using resources in the same area-At Hope for the Nations counts with outreach programs to help those living in disadvantaged circumstances. HELP CENTER: for low-income children, offering guided homework, Bible classes, and food.

Food program: Our work includes the provision of food in vulnerable areas.

Program for children: By sowing in the children and youth of today, we will gather men and women with values ​​in the future. This program welcomes children and affirms their value because you also influence future generations. These children will one day become parents. So this is the impact we want to give in the long term. Our mission is to help children grow up happy, healthy, and protected because they are precious in the eyes of God.


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