Ozarks Healthcare At Home Hospice
Cause Area
- Health & Medicine
- Seniors
- Veterans & Military Families
812 N Kentucky AveOzarks Healthcare at HomeWest Plains, MO 65775 United StatesOrganization Information
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide exceptional, compassionate care to all we serve. Our vision is that we will change lives by nurturing hope, improving health and encouraging wellness - every person, every time. Our values are accountability, superior service, teamwork, integrity, compassion, enthusiasm, and respect.
Ozarks Healthcare At Home: Hospice provides for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of patients and their families in the final stages of an incurable illness. Ozarks Healthcare At Home: Hospice offers a full range of services, including nursing care, medications, and much more. Trained staff and volunteers play an integral role in the care that is given to both patients and the patient's families as they face end-of-life issues.