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Universal Vidya

Cause Area

  • Education & Literacy


105 Durston LoopMorrisville, NC 27560 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our motto, "Knowledge in Everything," is the guiding principle behind everything we do at Universal Vidya. Made by students for students, Universal Vidya is an educational platform built on empowering students and putting them in the drivers’ seats of their educational exploration. We believe that Education is not solely confined to what we learn in the classroom, but also includes the life-skills and talents that we all need to thrive in the 21st century, such as learning how to file taxes and communication skills like conflict management in teams. We seek to inspire and amplify this kind of educational exploration, where life-time learning gives us the power to transform our lives and careers. With access to our free online platform, our students from around the globe will be able to do just that.


The Universal Vidya, Universal means worldwide and Vidya-vidyā (Sanskrit: विद्या) primarily means "correct knowledge" in any field of science, learning, philosophy, or any factual knowledge that cannot be disputed or refuted. Its root is vid (Sanskrit: विद्), which means "to reason upon", knower, finding, knowing, acquiring or understanding. We want to spread correct knowledge and education to a world-wide audience.

The services we currently provide include: School Supply Drive, Scholarship, Workshops, Yearly Event, and YouTube Content - Tutorials.


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