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Burn Away Your Burdens

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Education & Literacy


8210 Macedonia Commons BlvdSte 68 #2110Macedonia, OH 44052 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Burn away Your Burdens is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to bringing education and recovery skills to the general public to assist with individual mental health struggles along with their loved ones. We believe through educational self-awareness one can find the knowledge and coping skills to succeed and thrive with mental illness.


We are a non-profit that wants to educated our peers on individual mental health struggles while teaching them healthy coping mechanisms along the way. We share our stories with our peers within schools and other entities and educate them on mental health struggles and how you can cope using healthy coping mechanisms. We believe here at Burn Away Your Burdens that coping skills are greatly lacking within our community. We would like to assist with this through telling of our own unique stories and how the use of healthy coping has made differences in our every day lives; how it can make a difference in yours too.


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