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MOCSA (Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault)

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Women


3100 Broadway Suite 100Kansas City, MO 64111 United States



Organization Information

Mission Statement

MOCSA exists to improve the lives of those impacted by sexual abuse and assault and to prevent sexual violence in our community.


Sexual violence is something that happens right here, in our Kansas City community, every single day. And the impacts can be devastating, not only for the victims, but also for their friends and loved ones. Too often, it happens within a family or within a circle of friends. More than 80 percent of sexual violence is committed by someone the victim knows.

Without support and help, the trauma of sexual violence can stay with victims for a lifetime. So MOCSA is doing everything we can to prevent these crimes from happening in the first place, and offering support, healing, and hope when they do occur. We help victims become survivors.


In 1969, a metropolitan-wide coalition of criminal justice, health, mental health and other professionals came together with committed advocates to address the needs of those who had been sexually assaulted. In 1972, they created an organization dedicated to educating the broad bi-state Kansas City area, launched an emergency hotline, and took action 24/7.

That group evolved and incorporated in 1975 to become the Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA), serving as the Kansas City area rape crisis center. Over the years, MOCSA has continually expanded to better meet the needs of victims and our community.

Today, MOCSA is a comprehensive service model that is unique and is recognized for innovative programs and quality services.


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