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Cause Area

  • Children & Youth


2505 ARDMORE STGRAND RAPIDS, MI 49506 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Established in 1982, Comprehensive Therapy Center’s mission is to meet the therapeutic and educational needs of adults and children with disabilities who are at-risk or disadvantaged, through skill building, academic enhancement and social emotional support. We help adults keep or increase their independence. We help children to walk, talk, learn and play.


Our clinic serves children and adults with a primary diagnosis of mild to severe developmental disabilities or disabilities acquired in childhood who are physically, psychologically, and medically stable enough for an outpatient treatment model.

We serve clients beginning at 18 months of age.

Families with children younger than 18 months are encouraged to call us for resources and connection or referral to community support, and we welcome them in our parent groups.

Adults of any age are welcome, so long as they have a primary concern and primary diagnosis of a developmental disability or disability acquired in childhood rather than adult onset conditions.

Clients with both developmental disabilities and adult onset concerns as the focus of care would benefit from another clinic; we are happy to coordinate with other agencies whenever possible.

Interdisciplinary programming is a key element of the Comprehensive Therapy Center. By having the ability to provide a team approach to clients, CTC has the ability to meet the specific and specialized needs of its clients.

The staff works within the community as a client advocate as well as a provider of service. Through close cooperation of agencies the aim is to provide quality service to clients.


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