VolunteerMatch is Merging with Idealist!

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Cause Area

  • Board Development
  • Children & Youth
  • Education & Literacy
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Media & Broadcasting


16096 WINSTON DROREGON CITY, OR 97045 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

E M B R A C E E D U C A T E E Q U I P SC H O O L S Y S T E M S ( 1.We help school systems get Narcan( an opioid antagonist that brings a person back to life from a opioid overdose 2. Help them and train them to administer Narcan and get policies and procedure's written up and in place 3. We help to equip them with curriculum and needed materials to keep our kids safe V U L N E R A B L E P O P U L A T I O N (1. We go out into our Community and do Narcan-Pop Ups to give people that suffer from Addiction Free Narcan and wound care products. (We embrace them- we equip them)we practice harm reduction and meet them where they are at)


History- On March 13,2022 we received Tax Exempt status from the IRS and are a 501(C) (3) Non profit -EIN NUMBER 87-4385909.

Goals- Our Goal is to put Narcan into the hands of anyone that needs/wants it.

Our goal is to have a team of volunteers so we can go out into our community and do Awareness Pop-Ups weekly. This encompasses going into homeless camps, and into recovery centers offering help and hope and training.

Programs We help local school systems with writing up Policies and Procedure to get the Narcan in a more expeditious manner. We are in the process of writing up a packet that can be mailed/emailed to any schools asking for help.

One of the sticklers getting Narcan for different school districts was finding a medical doctor to sign off the prescription forms. We researched this thoroughly and realized we have a Registered Pharmacist, Kelly Sloop, on our Board and she can now sign the prescription forms for ALL SCHOOLS within the state of Oregon! We have already had this cleared and the necessary paperwork has been filled out. Kelly has already signed for numerous districts. This is a huge deal and we are very proud of this.
2. We go out into our communities- homeless camps etc. and boots on the ground help save lives!


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