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The Macaw Society

Cause Area

  • Animals
  • Environment
  • International


668 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy, VIDI Building 1813Texas A&M University, TexasCollege Station, TX 77843 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Macaw Society studies the various aspects of the ecology of large macaws and parrots to help us better understand the interactions among clay lick use, food supply, breeding season, breeding success, abundance, and movements. Our mission is to collect scientific information that produces clear documentation of the natural history, ecology, and conservation of parrots and macaws in the Neotropics and make it available to scientists, researchers, and the public. Our vision is to efficiently use our findings to direct conservation of parrots and macaws in Peru and other areas where psittacine are declining and at risk of extinction as well as to establish new research and conservation alliances in the Americas and beyond.


The Macaw Society has been working in the lowlands of southeastern Peru for more than two decades. Drs. Brightsmith and Vigo-Trauco are now leading its expansion to new areas in the Neotropics through a broad array of collaborative projects focused on the ecology and conservation of psittacines.

We have lots of experience developing the management techniques needed to help the recovery of wild macaw and parrot populations. We have been successfully using nest boxes and foster parent techniques to help increase reproduction and habitat management techniques to help preserve clay licks and palm swamp nesting areas.

As of 2022, we have almost 70 peer-reviewed scientific articles published about psittacines from Peru, Costa Rica, USA, Guatemala, and Mexico (considering only publications with Dr. Don Brightsmith as an author). This includes 41 publications with data from Tambopata and 28 including data collected by volunteers.

We work closely with young Peruvian and foreign assistants to help them gain the skills they need for conducting research. Students interested in conducting their own independent studies for coursework, or theses at the undergraduate, master, or doctoral levels are encouraged to apply to study one of the many aspects of macaw and parrot biology at our research sites in Peru (Tambopata) or Costa Rica (Central Pacific Coast).


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