CricketTogether through the Learning Together Project Fund

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Education & Literacy


1828 L STREET NWWASHINGTON, DC 20036 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our mission is to connect, support, and sustain 1:1 eMentoring relationships that empower every child to unlock their full personal and academic potential. The Learning Together Project Fund (fiscally sponsored by the Hopewell Fund) directs volunteers to CricketTogether and TryEngineering Together which provide a safe and secure eMentoring platform that helps students begin to build the skills they need to achieve college and career readiness.


CricketTogether and TryEngineering Together provide eMentoring services to students of Title I schools in the United States.. Volunteers serve as eMentors, committing to correspond via online letters with a 3rd-8th grade student for the full academic year. In under 20 minutes a week (all virtual!) volunteers become a trusted adult role model and are able to make a difference in the life of a child. An online system provides training as well as ongoing guidance and tips for the volunteer eMentors, who read stories and articles selected by their student and then correspond about the readings and their lives. All of the correspondence is moderated by the classroom teacher, and volunteers must pass a background check. Through the power of eMentoring, these programs have served over 10,000 students, teachers, and eMentors across the United States with schools in large cities, remote rural areas, fringe towns, and small suburban areas.


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