The ENGin Program

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Disaster Relief
  • Education & Literacy
  • Immigrants & Refugees
  • International


42 Highview Avenue #4Stamford, CT 06907 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

ENGin is a nonprofit organization changing the world one conversation at a time. We connect English-speaking volunteers age 13+ with motivated Ukrainians for online speaking practice and cross-cultural exchange. Through simple weekly virtual conversations, our volunteers make a huge impact - helping young people overcome the language barrier, offering friendship and emotional support, and introducing them to a new culture. In a time of extreme stress for Ukrainians, weekly one-on-one conversations offer a lifeline of normalcy.


We help Ukrainian youth connect with the global community by empowering them to speak fluent, conversational English. Our work breaks down borders to catalyze Ukraine’s postwar reconstruction and longer-term economic and social development.

Our one-of-a-kind model is human-centered, personalized, and authentic. Through 1-on-1 conversation, we facilitate mutually beneficial relationships between students and volunteers, creating a virtuous cycle of growth and understanding. And by doing this at unprecedented scale - 44,000 participants and counting - we’re bridging cultures and fostering a more interconnected, empathetic world.

Want to learn more about volunteering with ENGin before signing up? Register to attend one of our weekly Zoom info sessions:

You can learn more about ENGin at . If you have any questions before signing up, please contact us at


Would you recommend The ENGin Program?
61 reviews Write a review
by Ruhi B. (2024-07-13 15:02:28.0)
It makes helping people easy and barrier-free! ENGin is an entirely virtual organization that connects volunteers with Ukrainian students, who then meet virtually to practice speaking and conversational English. When I first joined, I was worried about inaccessibility. Would I need to know Ukrainian to be able to converse with students? How would I schedule/confirm sessions? What would we even talk about? But when I took a second to look at ENGin's website, I realized they provide everything possibly needed to effectively volunteer and be part of the organization. From the personalized student-volunteer matches to the detailed and versatile lesson plans to the comprehensible list of outside opportunities, it is painless to be part of their organization! ENGin's mission is extremely important, and the organization's accessibility makes it a pleasure to help achieve.
by Melissa G. (2024-06-25 07:43:44.0)
I have been volunteering at ENGin for several months and love this experience! ENGin allows English speakers to make a difference in the lives of Ukrainians by holding virtual conversations with an assigned speaking buddy from home and helping them learn English. Not only that, it is a great opportunity to meet and become close friends with people from a different culture. I have really enjoyed bonding with my speaking buddy, who is my same age and shares many of my hobbies and interests. If you have even one hour free each week, I would highly recommend volunteering with ENGin!
by Surabhi V. (2024-05-27 14:03:41.0)
I have been a part of ENGin since 2022 and have been working with the same student since. What began as formal tutor-tutee lessons has now transformed into a beautiful friendship. I have learned so much about my buddy’s culture and background and so has she for me. It’s been a wonderful experience seeing not only how much her English has improved these past 1.5 years but also how much she has opened up to me. Our meetings usually consist of a mini lesson on a specific English concept and then afterwards we talk about random things (which is so fun to do)! Volunteering at ENGin is such an enriching experience because both the volunteer and the buddy learn so much. I am so happy to have joined this organization and to have met my buddy. Hopefully one day we can meet in person!
by Tanvi C. from GB (2024-05-08 09:27:42.0)
They are very organised in terms of process. They support at every step of the program and also track progress of the initiative.
by Ms. Kerry O. from MO (2024-05-03 07:14:48.0)
I have been an ENGin volunteer for almost a year now. I could not imagine it would be so easy to connect to someone around the world for one hour a week and share stories about our cultures and so much more! I have truly made a friend for life. I'm so proud to be an ENGin volunteer and looking forward to helping more people speak fluently in the English language. If you are looking for a rewarding volunteer opportunity, ENGin is the organization for you.
by Alam M. from IN (2024-04-14 00:28:43.0)
Volunteer ng Areyouanorganizationadmin
by Jenna P. from Austin, TX (2024-04-13 18:46:55.0)
ENGin was the first organization that I have ever volunteered for, and the program has shown me how fulfilling volunteering is. I have three different buddies, and all three are close in age to me, making it feel as though my virtual sessions with each one is simply just a call with my friend. Aside from the new friendships and connections I've been able to make through ENGin, it's a very rewarding thing, seeing the person you're teaching improve their English and knowing that you were a contributing factor. This experience has also broadened my understanding of the world, as we often share traveling experiences or our country's culture with each other in our sessions. I would absolutely recommend and encourage teenagers such as myself to volunteer with ENGin, as they'd be contributing to a good cause and earning volunteer hours whilst making a new friend. Another reason why ENGin is such an amazing program is because the organization provides you with many resources and lesson plans.
by Isabel X. (2024-04-10 17:12:50.0)
ENGin has been one of the best ways for me to make an impact without disrupting my schedule or plans. There's an extensive support network, so getting started is easy, and there are plenty of ways to get more involved if you choose to, or you can be more low-commitment. To people with jobs, busy schedules, or things that take precedence, it can be a lot of trouble to commute, to schedule, and more for volunteer work, but ENGin allows me to contribute from my house, and I can put in more or less effort depending on my capacity. If I'm busy one week, I can use the pre-written lessons; if I'm able to put more time in, I can plan my own lessons, and make them more detailed, interesting or relevant. I could even take on a second partner, or two. And in volunteering with ENGin, not only do I make a meet someone new and learn about another culture, I also get to make a difference in their life.
by Bryce A. (2024-04-07 15:08:14.0)
Provides many opportunties for personal growth and is also great for resume building. As a high school student, I feel this program has provided me with both soft and hard skills -- communication, listening, education, planning, leadership, e.t.c. The only downside is that the program is not certified for the PVSA, but for a good reason -- all program funds go toward supporting Ukraine.
by Alexandru S. (2024-04-01 18:24:22.0)
I've been volunteering for ENGin for about 4 months. This is a great experience not only because you can improve your language skills, but you can help other people to improve their language skills too. Besides that, you get to know different people's stories and you're going to learn more about different cultures so that your intercultural understanding would have a significant increase. Overall, there are a lot of benefits if you want to join our team, doesn't matter that you're a student and you want to learn more, or you're a volunteer and want to help others. Everyone is welcome!
by Yohaan R. from IN (2024-03-20 12:07:43.0)
I have been volunteering at ENGin for the past year, and it was a great experience. I got to learn about cultural differences and others about Ukraine, as well as the opportunity to teach English. As an ambassador, I really love the idea of ENGin's inception and its concept, making it a really good experience for me and allowed me to help however I could.
by Kristina H. (2024-03-17 06:32:18.0)
ENGin is a program where you not only help others learn English but where you learn so much yourself. When I started ENGin, I was just a high school student who was looking for what seemed a simple way to gain volunteer hours. Now, after five students, I have learned so much about the world through our conversations about myself through my interests and abilities. ENGin is an organization that supports the growth of individuals and communities. I have been able to apply my skills and ideas in ENGin by developing part of their curriculum that other students and volunteers with discussions. I have also made great friends from across the world who have brought new perspectives to my life, and I am glad I have made a difference in theirs. This sounds like a lot, but it is. ENGin has been my first and only volunteer program, and I hope to continue participating after school.
by Gauri S. (2024-03-13 13:39:27.0)
It has been an incredible journey so far, & I learnt so much. It has made me more wiser and empathetic.
by William C. (2024-03-10 19:46:55.0)
I've been working in this program for about an year and I totally recommend it. I really like working with my buddy and me and him have been getting really close and I feel like his English/grammar has gotten better. The services are also very good and typically reply back very fast and are also very nice. This is also a very good way of improving your communication skills and I've felt like I also gotten better at my communication skills too. Not only do my buddy get to know my culture, but I also got to know some of his. I'd say this is one of the best ways of earning community service hours. They also offer a variety of leadership positions which is very good, especially for people getting into colleges. If you're wanting to make new friends or earn some community service hours. I'd totally recommend signing up for ENGin ASAP!!!
by Anvi S. (2024-02-27 09:42:49.0)
I loved my experience with ENGin thus far! I've been an active volunteer since October 2022, teaching Intermediate and Advanced English to 5 students. It's very flexible, the minimum is an hour a week and you have full freedom to choose when (with your paired student's preferences in mind, of course). Talking with your partner may seem awkward for the first few classes, but eventually, it becomes very comfortable and if you teach Advanced students, you can even have full conversations with them and learn about different cultures and experiences all while earning a plethora of volunteering hours!
by Stacey W. (2024-02-25 09:59:16.0)
My antivirus software is blocking EngIN's volunteer portal and identifying it as malware. I will not be volunteering with EngIN as a result.
by Katie S. (2024-02-20 14:00:28.0)
I began volunteering with ENGin in March 2023. I dedicated an hour/ week to practice English with my buddy. I found it incredibly fulfilling and signed on with a second buddy. ENGin created a program for Educators and I jointed that program in November 2023. Each experience is a bridge to Ukrainian culture that I wouldn't otherwise have. ENGin is a flexible virtual volunteer opportunity which can flex for your schedule needs. I highly recommend this volunteer organization for anyone looking to support English language learning.
by harley F. from CA (2024-02-09 12:30:52.0)
I started Tutoring with ENGin Dec 31, 2023 and have been teaching 3 students a week, every week so far. Not only has working with my Ukrainian students been rewarding but also a lot of fun. Volunteering with ENGin is super easy because of all of the support they offer. I have gotten to meet 3 amazing teens volunteering online and the connects we have made are irreplaceable. I plan working with ENGin for years to come!
by Adam K. from GB (2024-01-27 11:15:33.0)
ENGin is so much more than just an organisation. I have always wanted to help those around me, and use my skills to benefit others so they could then spread their love equally. ENGin has allowed me to do so. Being connected to a young Ukrainian student within a few weeks changed my life. Knowing someone which lives in the midst of a war gives you a perspective on how people around the world live their daily lives, completely differently from the way I do. Realising that many are suffering and stuck in an awful situation is eye-opening, and only a glimpse into the real world. Not only has ENGin allowed me to realise this but it has also given me a platform to act upon it. Mentoring through ENGin is the best decision I have ever taken in my life, and I hope you take it too. All this world needs is a kind and connected community, so please join in making the world a better place!
by Lauren Catherine F. (2024-01-19 17:22:39.0)
Tutoring with ENGin is, hands-down, the most fulfilling volunteer work I've ever done. Being able to impact the life of somebody on an individual and measurable level is a priceless experience. The amount of organization and effort that goes into maintaining this work is extremely admirable. There is always available help, a functional website, and easy-to-follow application processes to make everything as easy as possible for the volunteers. The matching process is simple and very safe; every student I've met with has been passionate about learning English, eager to learn about our culture, kind-hearted, and meshed well with my own interests and personality. I can easily say I've learned as much from them as they have for me, and I am forever grateful for the opportunity to take part in such an impactful program.
by Eden B. from GB (2024-01-08 21:36:00.0)
I began volunteering with ENGin in June 2023 and have really enjoyed my experience.Working with my Ukrainian partner has been not only so rewarding but also a lot of fun.I have learnt a lot from her whilst also giving back and helping her to develop her english.I have enjoyed volunteering so much with ENGin that I have now taken my volunteering to the next level and an a outreach ambassador for them and also a volunteer mentor helping other volunteers during their initial match stages . This is a great opportunity that i would highly recommend
by Anshika S. (2024-01-08 19:11:23.0)
This organization is definitely real and legit, it is such an amazing cause and a great way to help Ukrainians! There are so many different tools to help volunteers and ways to branch out. The materials are very easy to use as well and this program does an amazing job of connecting you with someone around your age to tutor. They are also quick to respond and willing to help with any issues or questions. Overall a great organization and would definitely recommend to anyone!
by Celia B. (2024-01-27 07:08:31.0)
My experience volunteering with ENGin, a program that connects motivated Ukrainians with English speakers, has been an incredibly meaningful and enriching one. After filling out ENGin’s simple questionnaire and a short interview process, I was matched with Vlada, a teen just like me who I now consider a friend for life. We connected via email for the first time, and then quickly planned weekly video chat sessions. These sessions consist of semi-structured lessons, but also lots of fun conversation. Having this virtual connection with someone halfway across the world has been such a meaningful experience, and seeing her progress with the language makes it all the more worthwhile. This program is wonderful for people of all ages and backgrounds because of its flexibility. ENGin provides tons of helpful resources and seminars to help both your and your buddy make progress. My experience has been nothing but positive and I wish more people knew about this opportunity. Join at www.enginprog
by Brooke L. (2023-12-14 13:23:38.0)
I have been working with ENGin for the last few months as a tutor and I absolutely love it! Getting to meet with my buddy is a highlight of my week, and it is never awkward, like I feared it would be in the beginning. Tutors and students are matched based off of interests and age, so it is always fun to meet! Working with ENGin is a great way to earn community service hours as well. I feel like I am making an actual difference in the world rather than pursing a service that I have no passion for or desire to do. If you have any interest or need service hours, please look into ENGin! It is an amazing experience
by Kendall O. (2023-11-18 16:56:07.0)
I would recommend ENGin to anyone who's willing to dedicate just 1-2 hours of their time to a worthy cause! I can honestly say that ENGin has changed my life for the better. Since joining, I've gotten so much exposure to people of different backgrounds and cultures, which is something I've always wanted to do. I gained skills like time management, meeting planning, and teaching. I've learned about Ukraine and it's so good to feel like you're making a difference in people's lives. The gift of education is one to be treasured. Don't hesitate to join ENGin!
by Isabelle T. (2023-11-08 21:55:21.0)
I have been tutoring for almost one year. I have two amazing buddies that we meet every weekend. I have a sense of fulfillment in knowing that I am helping two individuals succeed academically and hopefully will open doors of opportunities for them. My weekend tutoring sessions feel more like hanging out with my friends. I get to learn about their cultures and the cool stuff teens like to do in Ukraine.
by Malcolm M. from CA (2023-10-09 07:37:15.0)
I've been a volunteer with ENGin for just over 6 months, and I thoroughly enjoy the time I'm able to spend each week talking with my "buddy" in Ukraine. I love the feeling of actually doing something to help the people of Ukraine during this time when they are being attacked from outside. Volunteering for ENGin has been an excellent experience.
by Rithi S. (2023-09-30 11:35:13.0)
I have had a wonderful experience with ENGin! The matching process took into account my preferences and interests, and the student I matched with was great. I've contacted their support team multiple times, and they've always responded in a quick and helpful manner. The app, although it has a few bugs, is very helpful and it's an easy way to track your hours. I've recommended this to multiple friends, and have gotten a few people to sign up. I highly recommend trying this out!
by Chase B. (2023-09-27 09:38:40.0)
ENGin has been such a wonderful and meaningful organization to volunteer with. I started working with my student last year and it has been so awesome to see her improve and get more comfortable. She is going to university this year in Poland and it is so fulfilling to know that I helped her achieve that and also have made a new friend. I highly recommend volunteering with ENGin!
by MaryBeth L. from SCITUATE, MA (2023-09-03 14:35:15.0)
Helping my student improve her English has been so rewarding and I have learned so much from her! She is my daughter's age but I feel like she is truly a friend. We have been communicating since April of this year and I'm hoping to someday meet her in person. I was a bit hesitant at first to do this because I have no training in being a teacher. I'm so glad I took the plunge and would recommend it to anyone that has an extra hour or two a week. The ENGin program is a great idea and the people that run it are phenomenal. Highly recommend!! :)
by Ronna J. (2023-09-01 08:31:33.0)
Volunteer match connected me with Engin, an organization that matches English speaking people with Ukrainians who want to learn or improve their English. It has been the most rewarding experience! I highly recommend volunteer match, it has great ideas for me every week.
by Norm D. from CA (2023-09-01 03:23:23.0)
Very simple focus, well executed, with lots of resources. I have helped people learn and practice English through various methods of connecting over 7 years, and ENGin is by far the easiest and most rewarding.
by Robin E. (2023-08-31 15:25:33.0)
It's an incredible organization. There are so many resources for volunteers including concise high quality communications, professional staff, and a variety of resources. It's one of the better organized non-profits. I thoroughly look forward to my weekly meeting with my student. Our world would be so different if everyone had an ENGin experience - connecting with strangers, acknowledging our sameness, learning about one another's life experiences, listening, and sharing. I highly recommend ENGin.
by Kiara F. (2023-08-31 14:50:32.0)
This organization does a great job at pairing Ukrainian students with English speaking volunteers to come together in a learning environment. This volunteer opportunity is a way to connect with others from all over the world to create a global community and allows people to share their knowledge for FREE with others. This is a great remote exchange program that does a lot for its volunteers and its Ukrainian students.
by Anaya H. from TT (2023-07-16 17:14:06.0)
It is important for as much individuals as possible to be harbored from the hell that they have unfortunately been placed in. It is with empathy that I would recommend this to a friend/colleague.
by Selena S. (2023-07-13 21:36:45.0)
I think it's a good thing to do in the community.
by Jessica C. (2023-06-27 19:45:44.0)
As someone who has volunteered for over 200 hours in the past two years with dozens of different organizations, tutoring my ENGin student has been one of my favorite volunteering experiences. ENGin staff are polite and helpful, and they conduct a questionnaire before matching you with a student to ensure you work with someone who has the same interests. Volunteer hours are very flexible -- you decide them with your student -- as are the number of hours volunteered (at least one per week but can be more). Additionally, ENGin does not require a significant amount of experience in tutoring students. Although you prepare a lesson for your student, ENGin provides pre-made lesson plans that can be edited for individual students' needs. I cannot recommend ENGin enough for students looking to gain service hours or adults simply hoping for a convenient way to help others.
by Christina S. from AUBURN, AL (2023-06-13 17:04:11.0)
because working with people and helping others is such a good opportunity. Learning English is such a good skill to have. I taught english to kids in Amman, Jordan. It was such a beautiful and good experience
by Hunt E. from VA (2023-06-02 08:48:01.0)
I would recommend this organization, since it seems to be a place to connect people with causes they care about.
by Katie W. from VA (2022-11-14 19:36:39.0)
Working with ENGin has been a real pleasure. I was worried when I first signed up because I am not a trained English tutor, but the training they give for new volunteers was extremely informative. They also provide a lot of materials to use to help guide sessions if wanted. I would highly recommend volunteering with this program.
by Marjorie C. (2022-11-09 08:28:36.0)
Because the site is easy to manage and simple
by Jasmine C. (2022-11-03 08:55:25.0)
I've been volunteering with ENGin for five months with my Ukrainian student, who has become my friend! It's so much fun to talk to her and we've had lots of laughs and interesting conversations. It's exciting to learn about a different culture while helping someone improve their English. I definitely recommend this opportunity!
by Kaylee S. from New Orleans, LA (2022-10-14 13:44:39.0)
I would most certainly recommend this. I know about 30 people trying to volunteer, and this is the easiest site I have ever been on. I love it!
by angela c. (2022-10-13 03:04:58.0)
I've been an ENGin volunteer for 5 months now and have found it to be a very rewarding experience. The organization provides great resources and live training opportunities to help volunteers feel more confident and be effective in their sessions with their Ukrainian students. But most importantly (to me), the ENGin team make surprisingly great matches between volunteers and Ukrainian students. I don't know whether matches are made by a finely-tuned algorithm or by very hard working and intuitive staff, but I have two students with whom I felt an instant rapport, that has deepened with time to true friendship. They are both a delight to talk with and I look forward to our sessions each week! Volunteering with ENGin is also an opportunity to show your support for Ukraine in a small, but practical way. Glory to Ukraine!
by Alana D. (2022-10-01 21:04:53.0)
ENGin provides a great volunteering opportunity that doesn’t take much out of your life, but it helps the world really connect with Ukraine. It’s been a pleasure working with them and the cause is amazing. As my first volunteering experience, it’s easy and has been beneficial to both me and my student!!
by Hania H. (2022-09-19 19:18:18.0)
This is a great tutoring organization for people of Ukraine. You are able to go to meetings for help in tutoring in different areas like, for example, teaching vocabulary. The process of volunteering for this organization was pretty easy and organized. The thing I like about it is that they match you with your ENGin buddy, and you are able to decide your schedules with your ENGin buddy. It's also a great way to help others and to meet new people. :)
by Massiel V. from DO (2022-09-18 20:13:17.0)
I have been volunteering with ENGin for over six months and have nothing but positive things to say! My experience so far has been great. They did a pretty good job in the screening process and matched me up with someone perfect for me. My buddy and I have formed a close bond and enjoy our sessions in a way that goes beyond mere tutoring. I 100% recommend it.
by Crystal D. (2022-09-14 21:16:50.0)
I’ve been volunteering for more than a year now, and I highly recommend, great experience! Engin is a great opportunity to teach English to help any Ukrainian from anywhere in the world. Organized website and leadership opportunities. Fast with responding to emails and keeps everyone updated with news. Focused and approachable team!
by Andy M. from Ballwin, MO (2022-09-09 16:45:26.0)
Since the crescendo of the Ukrainian-Russian war, many individuals, such as myself, have asked ourselves on how we can ameliorate the present conditions of our Ukrainian brothers and sisters. Furthermore, we will seek any opportunities to volunteer, no matter how passive or miniscule. After I made the decision to assist the people of Ukraine, I actively sought for opportunities. Very soon, I discovered ENGin and joined as a volunteer. Without a doubt, joining ENGin was one of the best decisions of my life, thus far. Not only am I slightly more content with my contributions which involve equipping my Ukrainian students with skills that will assist them in immigration, job growth, personal growth, etc., I am continually learning about their beloved country's cultures, customs, fine arts, and so much more. Most of all, I am forming deep bonds and friendships with all of them who are better friends than I deserve. And I will cherish my new friendships for the rest of my life.
by Wendell S. (2022-09-09 11:35:03.0)
I've made an incredible friend, and I get to learn about somebody else's culture in a safe environment. I would absolutely recommend this experience to anyone willing to give it a try.
by Kaitlyn E. from Murrells Inlet, SC (2022-09-09 04:59:51.0)
The ENGin Program is a very professional, organized, engaging, and rewarding experience. I have been volunteering for 4+ months and have throughly enjoyed my time here. The program also offers training, materials for sessions with students, and responds to questions in a timely manner. You do NOT have to be a professional English tutor or teacher to participate, I went in with no experience in English tutoring and it was easy to acclimate. I also encourage those with even busy schedules to apply, it is a virtual 1 hour a week commitment (for reference I’m a full time college student with a part time job). If you find yourself wanting to do more, the program also has opportunities for ways to get involved even more! I highly recommend the ENGin Program for the volunteering experience!
by Riley W. (2022-09-08 20:56:32.0)
This is a great experience, well-run program, and impactful opportunity. As someone new to language teaching, I have found the extensive effort ENGin continues to put into their volunteer strategy resources as well as into their session plans extremely helpful. I would describe my newfound friendship with my buddy as similar to a pen pal, yet even more personal through video calls!
by Joseph z. (2022-09-08 18:28:29.0)
Highly Recommend if you need service hours! This is a great way to help someone, learn about a different culture, and make a new friend!
by Jesse D. (2022-09-08 17:05:25.0)
ENGin is a great program. It has given me the opportunity to help tutor Ukrainians in English. They have been professional, provided good resources and guidance, and altogether made the process easy.
by Caroline C. (2022-09-08 06:46:44.0)
ENGin is a rewarding program that matches you with a buddy, who you help building their English skills. This is helpful not only for Ukraine’s future economy, but also for currently displaced Ukrainians, because English is spoken across the EU.
by Chris W. (2022-09-07 18:04:36.0)
Excellent and satisfying experiemce! I've been volunteering with ENGin since May and have been impressed with how well the program is organized. They thoroughly vet both volunteers and students, provide solid training and session materials, take care to match volunteers with students based on language level and interests, and respond promptly to any issues. I've had an absolute blast working with my partner and have made a lifelong friend as well!
by Paige K. (2022-09-07 17:45:57.0)
I have only been a member of the ENGin program for a few months but I absolutely love it! It is so fun and neat to get to talk to someone on the other side of the world and help them achieve the goal of becoming a better English speaker. It has been great getting to work for this program.
by Linda R. from Indianapolis, IN (2022-09-07 12:09:54.0)
I have been a volunteer tutor with ENGin since June 2022 and it has been an excellent experience. I work with 2 Ukrainians who are appreciative, motivated and delightful people. ENGin is well run - I was matched quickly with people who I share interests with, they provided helpful online training, they follow up regularly, and the optional session materials are good.
by Jane O. from MD (2022-09-06 09:33:34.0)
I cannot say enough about how wonderful ENGin program is. First, it is a most worthwhile cause to help the Ukrainian people. They do a remarkable job with matching volunteer mentors to their students. People are matched according to their interests and desires for age and skill level. ENGin does a great job of preparing volunteers with online training and also a handbook. ENGin is extremely well-prepared with full sets of step-by-step lesson plans and resources for materials that are easily accessed online. I have found their lesson materials to be invaluable. There are links to audiovisual materials and resources that I have found to be top-notch. Additionally, ENGin provides excellent trainings and workshops on a periodic basis to assist volunteers with various topics to help teach the students in the best way possible. I am a retired teacher and I have found ENGin’s teaching materials and plans to be excellent. Most importantly, I love working with my student. ENGin is the best!

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