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The Robin Foundation

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • Homeless & Housing
  • People with Disabilities
  • Women


4098 SW 141 AveDavie, FL 33330 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

"The Mission of the Robin Foundation is to guide women with substance abuse and mental health challenges while providing them with a pathway to recovery and to change and save as many lives as possible that are hostages of the disease of addiction along with distributing Narcan to our community and providing Free Training on Opioid Awareness and How to Administer Narcan in case of an overdose."!


"The Robin Foundation is committed to saving lives from drug overdoses due to opioids, fentanyl, and any derivatives. We have been Certified by the State of Florida Department of Children and Family Services(DCF) to pass out Narcan to any individuals, including businesses and organizations, to stop losing lives due to this pandemic. In just the last two weeks, three lives have been saved because of the Narcan we distributed along with how to use. This is the primary purpose of our foundation during these dangerous times. We are also offering FREE TRAINING to businesses and organizations and need volunteers to assist in presenting our online training program entitled "Opioid Awareness and How to Administer Narcan in Case of an Overdose." The person we are looking for must have a computer and be able to present online during business hours. The presentation is about 30 minutes and no longer than 45 minutes, including questions from the participants. We are also looking for Volunteers to pass out Narcan in the community, especially at public events. Eventually, it is the Robin Foundation's mission to provide housing for women and children that need our support while actively pursuing a Recovery lifestyle and freedom from active addiction".


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