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Elbow Room: The Movement to End Student Loan Debt

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Race & Ethnicity
  • Women


5400 Broadway Terrace402Oakland, CA 94618 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Elbow Room is an education and debt elimination organization designed to assist those saddled with student loan debt. Our focus is on those with careers of service, specifically education, healthcare and nonprofit professionals. Our goal is to match each student loan debtor directly with a source of funding and to pay of each loan one at a time and completely.


We are a new organization which has been blessed with University of San Francisco MBA Magis class which provided us with comprehensive Visibility/Marketing, Re-engagement/Sustainability and Fundraising plans. We have begun to follow our MBA team's directions by increasing our social media presence and producing our first F2F and virtual fundraiser October 2022. Our goal is to raise $30,000 to pay off our first student loan by Fall 2022 and
$2Million by Fall 2023 to pay off our first group of 15 student loan debtors.


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