Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Arts & Culture
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Computers & Technology


616 MARGARET PLELGIN, IL 60120 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our nonprofit is designed to give the youth in poverty driven communities a choice and a voice. With GHSH kids have more options than staying in the house or being around negativity. Allowing them to see their is more to life than their current environment. We utilize the arts, maths, and sciences to show them how fun and beneficial learning can be. Sports to get them out and active working as a team. Therapist to give them someone to talk to that can give strategies and a voice. We hope that by offering so many different resources it will advance or show them their talents in multiple areas. Ultimately our goal is to show every kid that the sky isn’t the limit but their willingness to go after their dreams.


From the accessibility to the overall mission GHSH is like no other. We have designed our program to fill in the gaps of a flawed system for our youth. Children are getting lost in the streets because there is not enough positive guidance. GHSH Staff specialize in a variety or subjects and services meant to teach and foster the youth we serve. We want kids to have something that allows them to be adventurous within themselves. We are dedicated to teaching our youth principals and strategies to assist them with being successful in life. Our Volunteers and staff have an entire curriculum to teach year round for all ages as well as dedicated time for homework help. We even go as far as assuring kids with special needs have a plan set in place to keep them focused. Although their are several therapeutic centers, almost none of them are offered for free, or to the low income neighborhoods youth. Lastly GHSH is a safe haven, meaning we don’t force anything on the youth. We strive to always be honest with them fitting to their age group. We believe that relationship is more important than religion. We have seen no program offer the variety, accessibility or freedom of things we provide to our youth. We believe that children are our future and are more than worth being invested in.


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