TrueRose Incubator®, Inc

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Women


15130 Sirius CircleSan Antonio, Texas, TX 78245 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

TrueRose Incubator, Inc. Starves out fear and incubates purpose-led leadership in Black and Latinx girls in Middle-School and High-School.


TrueRose Incubator(r), Inc. Starves out fear and incubates purpose-led leadership in Black and Latinx girls in Middle-School and High-School. We aim to rectify issues that are attributed to racial and gender bias in society by providing access to mental health services, self-enrichment courses, and mentorship to high school and middle school Black and Latinx girls. As a healing-centered organization, we intend to increase the number of mentally and emotionally sound leaders and encourage a future pool of diverse and capable leadership. Contrary to traditional Black or Latinx girl empowerment organizations, the TrueRose Incubator(r) will focus intentionally on both Black and Latinx girls' mental and emotional health and wellbeing as they understand their leadership identity. We provide a space where girls receive free, and accessible therapy and life coaching services to increase the quantity and quality of future Black and Latinx women leaders within the corporate and entrepreneurial sectors.


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