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Toby's Fund for Reproductive Health Equity

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Children & Youth
  • Community


P.0. Box 71Marengo, IL 60152 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

A pregnancy should be carried to term ONLY if the pregnant person is allowed to make that health decision. All children should be wanted and cared for. No one should be forced to be pregnant if they don’t wish to be. It is a health decision, and not dictated by financial need, legislation or religious pressure.


Toby’s Fund for Reproductive Health Equity was established in 2013 to insure that the decision to carry a pregnancy was that of the individual and not dictated by financial need, believing that there is a fundamental right to decide whether to exercise reproductive health care. Since 2013 Toby’s Fund has helped defray the cost of the legal right to abortion, and it helps finance emergency contraception and pregnancy prevention. All funds collected are pass through. No one collects a salary.


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