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Cy-Fair Helping Hands

Cause Area

  • Crisis Support
  • Faith-Based
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Hunger


9204 Emmott RoadHouston, TX 77040 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

With the vision of a community where each individual is valued as a person created in the image of God, Cy-Fair Helping Hands provides the basic physical needs, spiritual guidance, and mentoring needs for low-income individuals, families and the homeless in our community. We fulfill our vision statement with an attitude of gratefulness, humility and service while maintaining our core values of Compassion, Integrity, Commitment, and Respect. We hold these values paramount in all aspects of our operations. We see ourselves as the hands and feet of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as we reach out to those in need and offer them the hope of a better tomorrow.


Cy-Fair Helping Hands, (CFHH), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, was founded to help the homeless of Cy-Fair become self-sufficient. Since its inception in 2010, CFHH has grown to include a Community Food Pantry, enabling CFHH to serve not only the homeless, but also the hungry. Programs for our homeless neighbors include provision of Emergency Shelter, scholarships for unprivileged students, a Homeless Outreach, a Homeless Day Shelter, programs for homeless students, and events and programs during the holidays and at back-to-school time.

CFHH relies on you, our community, to operate. All of our funding comes from caring individuals, churches, businesses, and organizations. We also rely on the gift of your time. Our volunteer staff consists of over 50 regular volunteers who serve in various capacities, in addition to groups of volunteers from local businesses, schools, organizations, and churches. Each and every one of our volunteers are valued and we could not serve the homeless and hungry without them.


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