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Cause Area

  • Crisis Support


355 West Mesquite Blvd., Suite C70MESQUITE, NV 89027 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Stress and Grief Relief, Inc. is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to fighting depression, preventing suicide, and giving hope to survivors and all those who think life is not worth living, with a unique focus on troubled youth and veterans.


Stress and Grief Relief, Inc. is a life-changing, life-saving 501(c)(3) non-profit with a big mission: To prevent suicide and its causes, including traumatic stress, anxiety, anger, depression, and grief. Dr. Joyce Hunt Brown, Ph.D., N.D. is an author, speaker, and Founder & President of Stress and Grief Relief, Inc. She is known internationally as a top expert in the world on suicide, and she has brought innumerable people back from the brink of suicide. Dr. Joyce has been working with veterans and troubled youth struggling with traumatic stress, anger, anxiety, depression, and grief for more than 30 years. After her near-death experience in 1983, Dr. Brown continued her education in natural health and alternative medicine, earning her Ph.D. in 1986. After a miraculous recovery from ALS in 1988, she went on to become a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor (N.D.) in 2003. Known as the Hope Doctor, she has received five lifetime achievement awards in the natural health field. She is recognized as a Certified Crisis Chaplain with the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress. Dr. Joyce has been featured on numerous radio and television shows over the years, from Howard Stern and Las Vegas Now to your local Fox News and CBS affiliates. She is the author of five books, including the recently released Survivor of Life After Life Shares Heavenly Answers for Earthly Challenges: Simple Lessons for a Miracle-Filled Life, which is currently available on her website for free at www.HopeDr.org


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