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Caring Hands Charity

Cause Area

  • Community
  • People with Disabilities
  • Seniors


34 Wretham PlaceNewcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear NE21XUUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

Organization Information

Mission Statement

At Caring Hands, our mission is to improve the quality of life of elderly and disabled people in the East End of Newcastle through our services.


We offer services for older people based on prevention and independence. Caring Hands Charity has been established since 1992 and was registered in 1994.
We have developed services by listening and responding to our client group, our overarching aim is "to support the independence and quality of life of older and disabled people, with support from our skilled team of volunteers." Our geographical area of cover is primarily, the East End of Newcastle Upon Tyne with several services offered city side.
Having offered a Lunch Club and Laundry Service in the early days we are now able to offer eleven services which are very different from each other and include, Aromatherapy for relaxation through to Welfare benefits advice for financial support. Our services work well independently, but are designed to be cohesive in their aims of supporting physical, emotional and financial needs.
We consult with our service users, carers and other stakeholders, offering them the opportunity to be involved in the planning and development of new and existing services this has helped us to identify unmet needs. Communication is an important part of our structure and remains vital to the continued success and quality of our services, some of which are unique to Caring Hands.


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