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Duluth Community School Collaborative

Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy


32 E 1ST St, Ste 202Duluth, MN 55802 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our mission is to foster community partnerships promoting wellness and school success for youth and families, creating a community of life-long learners that embraces diversity.


The Duluth Community School Collaborative is a nonprofit that provides services in several Duluth Public Schools, including Myers-Wilkins Elementary School, Lincoln Park Middle, and Denfeld High. These schools serve families with higher rates of poverty than many others in the District. Poverty often leads to academic under-performance, and limited access to the educational, social, and cultural enrichment opportunities.

The Duluth Community School Collaborative works with community organizations and individuals to support academic success and well-being of the whole child. We provide academic support, enrichment, arts and cultural activities, employment readiness, health-related services, and various other programming to holistically meet students' needs at our three sites.

The impact of these services extends far beyond the walls of the school, benefiting neighborhoods, partner organizations, businesses, and the city of Duluth.


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