Flexible Schedule
Morton, PA 19070
We are looking actively recruit ten (10) volunteers on a rolling basis to become mentors for Kingdom Youth Network during the academic school year. Males Strongly Encouraged to Apply!! Mentors (ages 18+) are matched one-to-one their mentees (between the ages of 10 to 18) and meet based on the agreed upon preference (virtually, in-person or hybrid) twice a month for an hour each. Mentors are given a sample curriculum based on Christian principles to engage with the mentee's development in health/wellness, education, etc. Mentors are also expected to have personal relationship with Jesus Christ and adhere to the principles of the Bible. Please complete an application at the following link to sign up today!: https://forms.gle/xvj9aup9478BKv9j6
Date Posted: Nov 18, 2024
Flexible Schedule
Morton, PA 19070
We are looking actively recruit ten (10) volunteers to support Kingdom Youth Network (KY Network) in marketing and brand ambassadorship. The Marketing & Brand Ambassador volunteer supports KY Network by raising awareness about the ministry, recruiting new mentors and mentees, and designing effective marketing campaigns. This position is responsible for a variety of tasks ranging from advertising KY Network at community events, designing marketing campaigns and overseeing social media accounts. The Marketing & Brand Ambassador position is a forward facing role that represents the ministry to potential donors and volunteers, while also creating creative campaigns to raise funds and support. The person in this position should be a strong communicator with a professional demeanor and a passion for the mission of KY Network. Marketing & Brand ambassadors are also expected to have personal relationship with Jesus Christ and adhere to the principles of the Bible. Please complete an application at the following link to sign up today!: https://forms.gle/xvj9aup9478BKv9j6
Date Posted: Nov 18, 2024
Flexible Schedule
Virtual Opportunity
We are looking actively recruit one (1) volunteer to support Kingdom Youth Network (KY Network) in our grant writing efforts. The Grant Writer volunteer supports KY Network through thorough research, submitting excellent and identifying well matched funding sources. This position is responsible for researching prospective funders and finding organizations that would be interested in funding the mission and operational facets of KY Network. The proposals should be tailored to each funding organization prior to submission. The Grant Writer volunteer follows all of the funding agency’s writing guidelines when creating the proposal and submitting the proposal application by the deadline. Prefer volunteers with grant writing experience! Please complete an application at the following link to sign up today!: https://forms.gle/xvj9aup9478BKv9j6
Date Posted: Nov 18, 2024
Flexible Schedule
Morton, PA 19070
We are looking actively recruit three (3) volunteers to become Board members for Kingdom Youth Network. As the highest leadership body of Kingdom Youth Network and to satisfy its fiduciary duties, the Board is responsible for: Determining the mission and purposes of the organization If applicable, selecting the CEO and evaluating their performance Strategic and organizational planning Ensuring strong fiduciary oversight and financial management Fundraising and resource development Approving and monitoring Kingdom Youth Network’s programs and services Enhancing Kingdom Youth Network’s public image assessing its own performance as the governing body of Kingdom Youth Network Board members are also expected to have personal relationship with Jesus Christ and adhere to the principles of the Bible. Board members must be located in Philadelphia or Delaware County, PA! Please complete an application at the following link to sign up today!: https://forms.gle/xvj9aup9478BKv9j6
Date Posted: Nov 18, 2024
Flexible Schedule
Morton, PA 19070
We are looking actively recruit five (5) volunteers to support Kingdom Youth Network (KY Network) in our fundraising efforts. The Fundraising volunteer helps to identify, educate, engage, and solicit donors for financial and/or in-kind donations. Please complete an application at the following link to sign up today!: https://forms.gle/xvj9aup9478BKv9j6
Date Posted: Nov 18, 2024