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Freda H. Gordon Hospice

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • Seniors
  • Veterans & Military Families


6477 College Park Square Ste 312Virginia Beach, VA 23464 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our Purpose: It’s all about helping people. Our Mission: We provide exceptional care and unparalleled service to patients and families who have placed their trust in us. Our Vision: We will improve the quality of life in the United States by transforming the delivery of healthcare services.


We care for people, and people are far more than their medical conditions. Hospice volunteers share their skills, compassion, and empathy with patients facing life-limiting illnesses as well as with their families. From non-medical direct patient care and family bereavement support to administrative and specialty support, our volunteers are an integral part of the Hospice program. Freda H. Gordon Hospice volunteers are specially trained and are part of the Hospice team. They are dedicated to creating a compassionate environment for patients and families. Hospice volunteers often describe their work as gratifying, emotionally meaningful, and very rewarding. Becoming a hospice volunteer presents a unique opportunity to leave a lasting impression on someone's life during their final journey.


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