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The Salvation Army

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Disaster Relief
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Hunger


1204 14th Street EastBradenton, FL, FL 34205 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Salvation Army's mission statement is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.


The Salvation Army has been serving Manatee County since 1923. While the needs of the community have changed in the last century, our mission has not. If you were to ask about us, the answer would be we are "Doing the Most Good." This may mean our free evening meal program, our emergency overnight shelters, our case management and social service programs or one of our Christmas assistance programs, Angel Tree or Adopt-A-Family. In addition, The Salvation Army is a church and we hold worship services every week, plus other faith-based and character building programs for adults and youths.


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