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Project Restart DBA Housed Working and Healthy

Cause Area

  • Employment
  • Homeless & Housing


2535 W. Oxford AveDenver, CO 80236 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our mission is to help people return to independent living and be self-sufficient. The HWH model is partner based and encompasses housing, mental health services, workforce training and employment. This supportive structure and services helps people stabilize, develop a support network, become trained, gain experience, get a job, secure independent housing and ultimately become self-sufficient. At Housed, Working and Healthy, we have many classes of students working together. From graduates now in the apprentice program, to a new cohort just getting started on their new future. They all have a common goal - learning new skills which will help them get employment.


This program includes a supportive structure and services that help people stabilize, develop a support network, become trained, gain experience, get a job, secure housing and ultimately become self-sufficient.

During this time, local business partners get to know the students. The program facilitates employment opportunities for all students that successfully complete the Apprenticeship.

Students also learn soft skills which are essential to growing in a position. Examples include teamwork, time management, conflict resolution, and stress management.

WHO WE HELP / OUR IMPACT - as of 10/31/21 1281 Student Kitchen Days 19 Graduates! 13 Employed! 7 Housed!


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