Cause Area
- Arts & Culture
- Board Development
- Children & Youth
- Community
606 N CHURCH STWILMINGTON, DE 19801 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Old Swedes Historic Site, a cornerstone of Wilmington since 1638, is a vital gathering place where residents and visitors explore the continuing history of the community surrounding the site and its people. We share these stories through tours, educational and public programs, exhibitions and archives, preserving an important National Historic Landmark and keeping the history of the site and neighborhood alive.
Old Swedes Historic Site includes the Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church (1699) and Burial Ground (1638), plus the ca. 1720 Hendrickson House, an authentic Swedish Colonial farmhouse. The church and burial ground are a unit of First State National Historical Park, Delaware’s only National Park.
The Old Swedes Foundation preserves, promotes, and protects the National Historic Landmark Old Swedes Church and Burial Grounds, and the Hendrickson House. The Foundation promotes this nationally significant site through informative tours, educational programs and archival resources, telling the stories of this treasured place, its people, and their role in American history.