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Concord Prison Outreach

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Faith-Based
  • Justice & Legal


100 Main Street Suite 130CONCORD, MA 01742 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Concord Prison Outreach offers high-quality, transformative programs that focus on education, personal growth and increased opportunity for incarcerated people and their families.


Concord Prison Outreach (CPO) is a 501(c)(3) organization composed of a coalition of individuals and faith communities committed to helping people who are incarcerated build better lives for themselves and their families. Since its founding in 1968, when its first volunteers helped to support people in a local prison infirmary, CPO has developed into the largest organization of its kind in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

CPO works cooperatively with the Massachusetts Department of Correction (DOC), offering educational programs that focus on skill-building and personal growth, essentials to help support people in prison to achieve success while incarcerated or post-incarceration. Hundreds of individuals and nearly forty faith communities join CPO in its mission to offer high-quality, transformative programs that focus on education, personal growth, and increased opportunity for incarcerated people and their families.


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