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Love.Craft Athens

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Arts & Culture
  • Community
  • Employment
  • People with Disabilities


160-4A Tracy StreetAthens, GA 30601 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Love.Craft Athens is a non-profit organization that serves adults with developmental disabilities. Our mission is to empower this population through the creation of art and music along with finding purposeful opportunities by educating the local community and businesses on how to engage in customized employment for our crew. We are working to facilitate a future where people with developmental disabilities are encouraged and included in the community around them, and have equal opportunities and resources to achieve their own goals and ambitions.


Love.Craft Athens holds space for differently abled adults to explore a variety of purposeful activities, be held accountable as well as taught critical life and job skills- this is our "Crew". Our Crew makes and sells pottery and art, and also engages in music and art therapy style activities to improve communication, motor skills, and other areas of cognition. We started by serving 4 Crew in 2018, and are now serving 30 in 2021. We host inclusive community events such as monthly Community Craft events where our Crew teach pottery activities, we attend local markets likes Indie South & Farmer's Markets, and host a bi-annual concert.


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