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Friends of Aine Center for Grieving Children and Families

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community


226 Coolidge AveMANCHESTER, NH 03102 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To provide robust child bereavement services to help children develop tools to cope effectively and confidently in their daily lives and to give them the safety and freedom to share their story. To Raise awareness of the need to support grieving children through the provision of training, education and research. To establish an enduring legacy of Aine through the creation of permanent Friends of Aine Centers that embody her spirit, personality and kindness for the delivery of child grief support so that children do not feel alone after the death of a loved one.


At Friends of Aine Center for Grieving Children and Families, we provide free peer-to-peer support services and resources to bereaved kids and teens.

In New Hampshire, 1 in 13 children will experience the death of a loved one before age 18. Childhood bereavement is a prevalent and critical public health issue that can have a profound impact on a child’s future wellbeing. These statistics don’t account for the number of children who lose a "parental figure," such as a grandparent or other relative that provides care. Friends of Aine is the only nonprofit organization in New Hampshire whose sole mission is to support grieving families. That is why our services are imperative in helping children to effectively manage the emotions and sadness that follow a devastating loss.

We aim to support grieving families in New Hampshire through our program groups, educate the community about resources available through us and other community organizations, and to advocate for our families by addressing the growing need for bereavement services in New Hampshire.

All of this wouldn't be possible without the dedication of our facilitators, who are imperative to fulfilling our mission of leaving no child to grieve alone. Facilitators work directly with a group of children to talk about their grief through guided activities, in hopes of better understanding the emotions experienced after a significant loss.


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