Cause Area
- Arts & Culture
- Board Development
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Education & Literacy
PO BOX 2359MONROVIA, CA 91017 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
The best kept secret in Monrovia.. but we want to change that! The Monrovia Historical Museum occupies the building that once housed the city's Municipal Swimming Pool. The former dressing rooms now comprise our two exhibit wings, covering more than 8000 square feet. Our mission is to use our extensive collection to tell the story of Monrovia and its people through exhibits, cultural events, and educational outreach. We aim to be a place for people of all ages to experience Monrovia's history.
Our organization consists of a Board of Directors and an active group of volunteers. Volunteers can choose or be assigned to special projects, based on the Museum’s need and each volunteer's interest, availability and capabilities. Typically, a volunteer will work with a specific Board Member on a specific activity, such as accessioning, cleaning, exhibit production, research, docent, or other projects that might arise.
Volunteer Docents will work with a Board Member Docent during the Museum’s open hours. Once the volunteer is sufficiently trained and versed in the stories of the exhibits, they may be permitted to docent on their own. After sufficient training, a volunteer may be able to do some work remotely, such as research, cataloging and accessioning.
There are many and varied volunteer opportunities within the Monrovia Historical Museum. Volunteers can still have a full-time career and participate in Museum activities. Volunteers, including Board Members, could undertake any or all of the following list of tasks, according to their interests and talents.
Event Support
Exhibit Development/Production
Public Relations / Media / Marketing
Accessioning and Cataloging
Youth / Educational Programs