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My 5 Against Your 5

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Sports & Recreation


PO Box 1571MATTHEWS, NC 28106 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To improve athletes by delivering premier training and development services that drive athletes to become empowered pillars of our communities.


Our leagues are based on fairness, fun and competition. Our goal is to teach players the game and compete to their fullest potential. We believe in hard work and fun. Here at My 5 vs Your 5 you will be coached and trained by elite coaching staff. We are confident that all players can achieve his/her own maximum potential while maintaining excellent character and integrity.

We are not just a program that runs leagues, we are a program that builds relationships and creates memories for the player and family. We focus on individual player development as well as team concepts. My 5 vs Your 5 is dedicated to empowering athletes by teaching them to lead, listen, communicate, and make smart decisions.


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